About Howard Shiffman
Who am I? Now that is a great question! In a “human” context I am a separate individual with a name associated with my body that has previously assumed the role as a CEO of a Colorado nonprofit organization for children with mental and behavioral health issues. After my retirement I became a health and human services consultant providing consultation and coaching for a variety of executive leaders throughout the country. I was also a Senior Associate with a national consulting and market intelligence firm called OPEN MINDS and specialized in child welfare leadership competencies and business practices. During my career I studied and practiced meditation for 50 years and incorporated this wisdom into my daily life.
Now, in a “non-human” context I am not separate from anyone or anything else. I am not definable by my body or personality nor even my thoughts. I am truly beyond human description. In essence I am what you are and I am everything and yet nothing in particular… at least nothing that is “this or that”.
I have come to understand that we are not who we think we are and with this realization “peace” and “love” emanates freely.
Love and Blessings. H.